Archive for the ‘Moblie Media’ Category

Here’s 10 things that our mobile media platform can be used for immediately, right out of the box.

1) Building a Database

Building a list of your customers or prospects is an integral part of any business and all to often the most money businesses lose is the money they never make. If you do not know who your PAYING customers are, how can you sell them more products? If you don’t know who is interested in your service, how can you follow up with them next week? Studies also show that a prospective buyer needs to see an offer multiple times before making the decision to purchase. I’m sure you can see the importance of building a list, but don’t forget that you are not only gathering this information, you are also building an asset!

2) Real Time Ad Tracking

If you are not split testing and tracking your ads, then you are missing out on marketing 101 and an important aspect. By adding a short code and keyword, you can track – in real time how your campaign is performing. Put it on your website, your social media, print media, business cards, in-store signage, literally everywhere because with out it you’ll find it hard to track exactly where you marketing dollars are best spent. This is one of the main reasons I believe a majority of businesses will have a shortcode in the very near future.

3) Auto Delivery of Information

Also known as “value prop.” This means you can deliver something of value in exchange for an action. The action in this case is your potential customer texting in a keyword to 90210. With mobile media you can completely automate the response and deliver the promised information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the end, you are building a list of your customers and prospects by delivering something of value to them.

4) Immediate Notifications

Whether it’s an offer you make to your customers, or a scheduled reminder for an appointment, you can reach people with a 95% certainty! No other delivery method can boast that figure… and when you also consider the vast majority of that percentage reads the text in the first 5 minutes, it’s a pretty staggering statistic. Immediate notifications allow you to do exactly as it says: immediately notify a list of your customers, prospects, employees, friends, or anyone else you need to touch base with instantly. This technology has already saved lives in time of emergency because of the often immediate response.

5) Coupons

Whether they sign up on your website or they text in your keyword, you can deliver relevant coupons to the people who want to receive them. This can be automated, scheduled, or sent as a last minute broadcast. What’s really cool is with the quick response time you can increase your chances for a sale. IE: sending a pizza coupon at 6:30 PM on a Friday night increases the chances of a person actually ordering a pizza.

6) Raffles

Never before has it been easier to run a raffle and collect accurate data from anywhere at anytime. Forget about the fishbowl or other wasteful and cumbersome outdated methods. With this feature, you can hold a random raffle to entice your prospects or customers to subscribe to your list. Give away something free of value and watch your list grow FAST! The best part is that it doesn’t have to be anything enormous, it could be as simple as a t-shirt.

7) Customer Polling

If you don’t ask questions, how will you now what your customers want? With text marketing you can get instant feed back from your customers even while they are in your store or on your website. One they tell you what they want, you can text them relevant offers.

8.) Create Your Own Channel

Allows a person or a brand to build their own following by having a mobile media channel to deliver the information that people want, when they want, and how they want. For example, if you were to want information on celebrity gossip, you could easily text: celeb to: 90210. Everyday, you would receive information about what is happening in the celebrity world.

9) Driving Traffic

Once you have targeted lists, you can use the power of mobile media to drive your customers wherever you want. Traffic is a key aspect for the success of a business. Traffic might be driven to a website, a blog, a store front, a book, a magazine, or even a television channel. Whatever the medium may be, traffic is always needed. Once you have a list you can create money on demand.

10) Text to Donate

Currently our platform does not offer a direct text to donate that is billed thru the major providers. Truth-be told, the major cell providers take so much of it that after most hear the number, they quickly look for alternatives. Here’s a quick alternative. Ask your audience to text in to donate, then personalize your response to send them a link to a “mobile friendly website where they can make a donation thru a secured online merchant.”

To learn more and see how it all works, please visit

The Future Is NOW!

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